Thursday 9 February 2012

My Genealogy Bucket List

Inspired by Jill Ball at Geniaus I thought I would complete her GeneaMeme Bucket List. It goes something like this:

The Bucket List GeneaMeme
The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you would like to do or find: Bold Type

Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
You are encouraged to add extra comments after each item

So here is my Bucket List:
1. The genealogy conference I would most like to attend is... WDYTYA Live
2. The genealogy speaker I would most like to hear and see is...
3. The geneablogger I would most like to meet in person is... Where do I start? There are many to be honest, most of whom reside in the UK
4. The genealogy writer I would most like to have dinner with is... Nick Barratt
5. The genealogy lecture I would most like to present is... I had an opportunity to do this a few years ago but I bottled out. It was on the watermen of the Thames
6. I would like to go on a genealogy cruise that visits...
7. The photo I would most like to find is... My great-grandfather, Percy Preston
8. The repository in a foreign land I would most like to visit is... LMA and Wellcome Library
9. The place of worship I would most like to visit is... Any in East Anglia
10. The cemetery I would most like to visit is... Horbury, Yorkshire & Holt, Norfolk

My favourite place in all the world
11. The ancestral town or village I would most like to visit is... There are too many to list here. I would love to see Horbury & Fakenham and also re-visit several towns around the UK
12. The brick wall I most want to smash is... Richard Humphries (see my post) and also trace further back than John Waters.
13. The piece of software I most want to buy is...
14. The tech toy I want to purchase next is...
15. The expensive book I would like to purchase is...
16. The library I would most like to visit is... British Library
17. The genealogy related book I would most like to write is... I have several individual Family History projects in the works but I would love to write House Histories
18. The genealogy blog I would most like to start would be about...
19. The journal article I would most like to write would be about... Richard Humphries
20. The ancestor I most want to meet in the afterlife would be... That Richard chap!!
Also I would love to meet Elizabeth Humphries, Eva Bowes, Sidney Preston & Joseph Powell.

Two 'Jolly' Ladies


  1. Brilliant Debra, love your two Jolly Ladies pic too

  2. Yes that picture is wonderful! The lady on the right looks like my Auntie Gert - bless them they has to deal with horrible specs!

    This is great idea - made me think of all those things I would like to do/find. Top of my list is Great Uncle Alf. I know there must be a photo of him out there somewhere...

  3. Thank you kind ladies for your comments. Thanks to my third cousin Angela for the last photo! Suzie, I hope you find your great-uncle Alf! xx

  4. Lovely idea Debra, I quite often think of things I still want to do re Family History but find the list keeps changing in priority...So many things still left unfinished - but tomorrow is another day :)...

  5. Thanks for participating, Deb. I'll add your post to my list.

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment Ann, you're so right about priorities changing. Mine do all the time too! Jill, thanks for leaving a comment and for adding my post to your list. I appreciate that. xx

  6. Awesome list Debra.

    There are a few locations I must visit also. I'm thinking of visiting some, then recording videos and photos to place online for other family members to see as well.

    I like the fact you mentioned photos, which even when photos exist, it is tough locationing them. I've been working on sharing the photos I have.

    House histories also sounds very interesting.

    Best of luck with your list.

    All the best


    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Andrew. I'm really enjoying your daily photography post, by the way.
      I'm totally engrossed with the house history project right now! Loving it immensely. xx

  7. A bucket list specific to genealogy- a great idea!
